One day, I missed I
It wasn't left inside my bag,
or slipped among small stuffs in my pocket.
I tried to find I in the deepest I,
carefully explored things inside I,
put my eyes on every element of I.
But still,
I couldn't see I.
In my desperate,
I raised up my head
Then I saw lots of me
In the market, in the bus, in the eyes of people
And the I ...
is being completed in me ...
It wasn't left inside my bag,
or slipped among small stuffs in my pocket.
I tried to find I in the deepest I,
carefully explored things inside I,
put my eyes on every element of I.
But still,
I couldn't see I.
In my desperate,
I raised up my head
Then I saw lots of me
In the market, in the bus, in the eyes of people
And the I ...
is being completed in me ...
nyambung ga bu?
(duh dah lama ga baca blog mu nih, aku ketinggalan byk, huehehe)